The Cost of Bottled Water
Driving Question: What is the real difference between the various brands of bottled water?
Students will work in teams of 2 to 3 students.
Students will select a brand of bottled water from those provided. Slide 1: Title Slide: Name of This Class, Class Period, Team Members, Date, and Photo of the Bottle of Water. 5 points Slide 2: An Ad for the Bottle of Water (a print ad or a link to a video ad), the Marketing Slogan, and the Celebrity Endorser. 15 points Slide 3: A Photo of the Bottle of Water. You will use bullet points to discuss the uniqueness of the bottle’s design. 20 points Slide 4: The Source of the Water. Use a Photo to Illustrate the Source. 20 points Slide 5: Photo of the Bottle of Water, the Retail Price, and the Pricing Strategy Being Used. 20 points Slide 6: Photo of the Bottle of Water, the Cost of the Water per Ounce, and the Cost of the Water per Gallon. 20 points Slide 7: Answer to the Question: Which costs more, gas for your car or a bottle of water? |
Student Examples/Artifacts