Harrison DECA Attends International Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah Five members of the Harrison High School DECA Chapter recently traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend the International DECA Career Development Conference. The meeting was held April 28-May 2, 2012. Over 14,000 high school students from the United States, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and Germany attended the 66th annual conference.
Harrison High School DECA members participating were Victoria Munyon, Lorena Harauzek, Parker Richardson, Jake Woolston, and Joe Carter. All five students were recent state competition winners and earned the opportunity of participating at the international conference. Parker Richardson and Jake Woolston represented Arkansas in the Financial Services Team Decision Making Event. Joe Carter represented Arkansas in the Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event. Victoria Munyon and Lorena Harauzek completed the Senior Management Institute, a leadership training program for high school seniors. |